Benefits of Regular Massages
People buy massages for many different reasons. Sometimes it's for a particular occasion, and other times as an emergency to address pain or injury. However, there are many benefits to getting a massage regularly. Along with these benefits, a licensed massage practitioner provides one-on-one support with objective feedback and personalized treatment plans. The long-lasting advantages of continued massage treatment make money spent more worthwhile. Investing in regular massage therapy sessions is beneficial because it can promote healthy sleep and reduce muscle tension and pain.
Quality sleep and rest are essential to healing the body and being emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy. Getting enough sleep or finding time to rest free of stress, worry, and physical exertion is challenging in today's busy world. Massage therapy is a safe and side-effect-free way to help your body sleep better for optimum health. According to one study in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, participants who received massage twice a week for five weeks reported experiencing decreased pain, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance. (Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Diego, M., & Fraser, M., 2007) Most people expect to be relaxed and feel safe during a massage. The parasympathetic state of the nervous system maintains homeostasis (balance among all body systems) when the body is at rest. Getting a weekly or monthly massage helps teach the body how to access the parasympathetic state so that sleep becomes more natural and easier to achieve.
Sore muscles are associated with being alive. Sports, exercise, playing an instrument, sitting at a desk, looking at a device, and caring for loved ones are all causes of routine aches and pains. When your muscles are sore, surrounding muscles compensate by working harder, increasing the chance of injury. Because we are alive, we experience pain and injury. However, massage can relieve pained and tired muscles, increasing their ability to function interdependently. According to one study, participants who received hand massages every four weeks and performed self-massage daily experienced less pain and increased grip strength. (Field, T., Diego, M., Delgado, J., Garcia, D., & Funk, C. G. 2011) Life will bring aches and pains, and committing to consistent care with massage can increase healing time and improve muscle function.
Improved muscle pain and healthy sleep are benefits of investing in regular massage therapy. Quality sleep leads to the relief of anxiousness and promotes vitality. An assessment and unique treatment plan that addresses an individual's needs is key to making progress and experiencing long-term effects. Receiving a massage helps one understand the exceptional attention needed to promote long-term healing for the body and the mind. The long-term benefits of massage far outweigh the cost.