What is a Mind Body Oracle Reading?

It begins with guided somatic meditation, that gently brings awareness to what wants your attention in the moment.

Oracle cards create metaphor & meaning of your current life issues or questions

The goal: you leave with a better understanding of yourself & some tools to help you navigate the current energy in your life.

How a Mind Body Oracle Reading Can Help You. 

Mind Body Oracle Readings provide a deeper understanding of self, using practical tools, inspiring new mindsets and perspectives of your mind and body.

Readings are a grounded approach to discovering your personal & meaningful outcome.

 Somatic Meditation and Focusing Practices

  • Our minds are busy with past, and future thoughts.

  • Body-focused practices begin to bring your awareness (mind) into the present moment. 

  • With a focus on your whole being, the nervous system settles, and an interested curiosity is cultivated, creating more insight.

Using Oracle Cards

The relationship we have with ourselves is paramount in any healing process. Oracle cards are a tool to help and develop your personal insight and intuition so that you can navigate life smoothly.

This is not a magic trick, but rather an exploration to understanding yourself, promoting a sense of personal identity and a reminder that you can overcome challenges…

It’s fun to see what cards show up for you and that the symbolism shows up in your daily life.

Unlock Your Inner Oracle

$39 November's Mind-Body Reading Awaits!